项目类型 Type: 自助服务终端设计 Self-service Terminal Design
项目周期 Duration: 6个月 6 months (side project)
项目成员 Team: 个人项目 刘启睿 Cheryl Liu(myself)
工作背景 Context: 竞赛设计 传统建筑与交互设计整合 Concept Design, combine traditional architecture with UX design
工作职责 Role: 产品经理 用户调研 交互视觉 3D建模 视频制作 Product Manager, User Research, UX&UI Design, 3D Modeling, Video Producer
1. 发现问题 Problem Definition
超市购物, 这个传统行业正在经历变革,存在许多新的商业机会。本设计通过对用户的访谈,从不同角度更好的分析问题,找出痛点确定设计方向
Grocery shopping - this traditional industry is experiencing evolution with many potential business opportunities. To seize this opportunity, in the initial research phase, we interviewed many people, to better analyze the problem from different perspective to find the general pain points.
用户访谈 User Interviews
作为传统行业,人人都有在超市购物的经历。所以我们随机寻找身边的朋友或陌生人, 进行一对一访谈。通过提问 who, when, where, what, how, why,了解每个人在超市购物的过程中所面临的真实问题。

亲和图 Affinity Mapping
当成员都完成用户调研后, 我们举行了一次会议,绘制亲和图,总结众多用户所拥有的共同痛点。
发现1:顾客追求 优质的食物 Quality Food 和 优惠的价格 Affordable Price
发现2:顾客在 期望多重选择 Multi Options 的同时面临着 难以寻找的困惑 Aimless Searching
发现3:顾客普遍喜欢 大量购买食物 Stocking Food 却不喜欢 购物花费大量时间 Spending Time

用户画像 Persona

观察发现 Observation


2. 初步构想 Ideation
We started by brainstorming many different ideas and scenarios. Our team further discussed and selected the most promising ideas and developed this idea. We then had a panel discussion with staff in our office for the purpose of need validation and ideation.
头脑风暴 Brain-Storming
团队成员针对在用户调研过程中发现的一个或几个问题进行方向性的设计构想。经过讨论,我们一致认为将自动售卖机改造成新型的商超购物模式 Shop grocery on a vending mechine 这一想法是最有发展潜力的。

3D模型 3D-Model
根据设计构想制作3D模型,立体形象的展示选购 Selecting、付款 Purchasing、提货 Checking Out 是怎样在一个机器上完成的。

2.5D概念图 2.5D-Illustration
从更整体的角度思考问题和解决方案。借鉴医院自动拿药系统并融入设计中,理清 储藏 Storage,购买 Order,传送 Deliver 之间的关系。

3D模型 Detailed 3D Model
合理设计超市布局,将 传统购物 Shopping,仓库 Loading,传统结算 Check-out,自助结算 Self Checkout 通过 传送系统 Deliver System 有机结合,形成 eMart 设计理念。

3. 设计深化 Developing Design
Through our ideation phase, I gained better understanding of what is the design direction, which guided me on the developing design phase. I built the detailed 3D model and story/mood board, which helped me to walk through the shopping process. The Prototyping was drawn based on user experience's needs and refined based on the user testing feedback.
故事情绪板 Story/Mood Board
将本设计 Shop On&Off-line 与 传统商超采买 Shop Offline 及 现代商超采买 Shop Online 做对比,绘制故事情绪板。可以看出,我们的新型购物方式,综合了两种购物的优点,既享受了挑选商品的乐趣,又简化了付款提货的流程,整体提高购物体验。

低保真原型 Low Fidelity Prototyping

高保真原型 High Fidelity Prototyping
Check out the clickable prototyping:

4. 设计反思 Reflection
User experience design is not only focused on the screen, it is about the whole experience using the product.